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    Aragonese Centre for Augmentative & Alternative Communication

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ARASAAC subscriptions: Get real-time updates to ARASAAC

RSS is a format that allows to subscribe in a simple and free way to the contents of a web site. ARASAAC offers in RSS format different contents organized by the different sections of the Portal. It is very easy, you just have to choose those you are interested in.

  • Channel: Color Pictograms  Color Pictograms:   RSS | Google Personalized | Bloglines | Netvibes | Windows Live | Yahoo 
  • Channel: Black & White Pictograms  Black & White Pictograms:  RSS | Google Personalized | Bloglines | Netvibes | Windows Live | Yahoo 
  • Channel: Pictures  Pictures:  RSS | Google Personalized | Bloglines | Netvibes | Windows Live | Yahoo 


  • Channel: Latest materials added to catalog  Latest materials added to catalog:   RSS | Google Personalized | Bloglines | Netvibes | Windows Live | Yahoo 


  • Channel: Latest news ARASAAC  Latest news:   RSS | Google Personalized | Bloglines | Netvibes | Windows Live | Yahoo 


Examples of use
  • Channel: Last Examples of use ARASAAC  Last Examples of use:   RSS | Google Personalized | Bloglines | Netvibes | Windows Live | Yahoo 


  • Channel: Last software files ARASAAC  Last software files:   RSS | Google Personalized | Bloglines | Netvibes | Windows Live | Yahoo 


  • In sections like materials (basic search) and search by tags (advanced search) it is also possible to susbcribe to the results of the search. Thus, it is possible, to be updated as soon as new materials are added. Once search is done a message in top appears, where you can subscribe to the search's results, by following the link (or copy and paste it in your browser) and adding to your RSS manager.

What is RSS?

RSS is a technology that automatically sends contents to subscribers of a web site to a reading program or "agregador". To use RSS sources we find multiple options. One of the most common consists of installing applications or of using services online for this purpose. Here we offer you some of the most commonly used applications and services.



It is also possible to use the browser to read RSS contents; latest main browsers updates allow to read RSS headlines without any other additional software.